Student Wellbeing

Our Approach

Nightcliff Primary School recognises that our students are from diverse backgrounds and with varying abilities. We aim to create a culture and environment of inclusivity, whereby all students can access and participate in learning. Reasonable adjustments are made to the teaching and learning programs to ensure that students, including those with a diagnosed disability, are able to participate on the same basis as their peers. Nightcliff Primary School proudly supports the Northern Territory’s Framework for Inclusion (2019-2029) and is committed to implementing its vision of shared decision making, professional practice and an evidence-led system. 

Bullying - No Way!

Nightcliff Primary School and the Department of Education is committed to provisions that ensure all young Territorians receive a quality education in a safe and supportive learning and teaching environment. 

All members of the school community are expected to respect the following rights:
  • The rights of all people to be treated with respect and dignity
  • The rights of all students to learn
  • The rights of teachers to teach
  • The rights of all to be safe.

For further Information for parents and carers about bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence in schools can be viewed on the Bullying No Way website (Click Here).


The Nightcliff Education Support Team (NEST) has a dedicated room with cooking facilities, spaces for small group learning and equipment to support students to meet their sensory needs. Individual student needs may be targeted by in-class curriculum differentiation and or small group withdrawal programs for literacy/numeracy support. The inclusion of students with a diagnosed disability is further supported through an Education Adjustment Plan, whereby specific goals are set to enable student engagement in all aspects of schooling. 

The NEST team currently consists of 4 Teachers and numerous Student Education Support Assistants (SESAs) who share the common goal of implementing fair and inclusive practices for all students.  

Student Leadership

Nightcliff Primary School highly values leadership and student voice. It is represented by our school captains, Student Representative Council (SRC), sports house captains and Eco Warriors from Year’s 3 to 4.

There are high expectations for all students to build the capacity of student engagement and allows voices of students to be heard in decision-making across the school. In Term 1, representatives are elected to grow and inspire change throughout the year.
  • School Captains

    Year 6 students nominate themselves for selection before an interview and the principal formally decides. One male and one female will be selected for captains. One male and one female will be selected for school vice-captains. School Captains are members of the SRC also. 

  • Australian citizenship Representative

    One student from Year 6 chosen and is the SRC chairperson.

  • Student Representative Council (SRC)

    Students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, nominate themselves to represent their class. One female and one male will be voted from each class.

  • Sports House Captains and Vice-House Captains

    Students in Years 5 and 6 can nominate themselves in front of their sports house teams. Year 5 students nominate for sports house vice-captain and Year 6 students nominate for sports house captains.

  • Eco Warriors

    Students in Years 4, 5 and 6, nominate their commitment to supporting sustainability practices across the school and will become part of the Sustainability Focus Group.


Nightcliff Primary School has developed strong links with other areas of schooling.  Transitioning programs have been established to provide continuity. 
  • CARES – Children Almost Ready to Enter School

    Beginning school is an important milestone in the life of young children and their families.   Children who turn 4 before the 30th June are eligible to begin Transition at the beginning of the following school year. 

    At Nightcliff Primary School we aim to make the transition as positive and smooth as possible.  In Term 4 we familiarise the children with the Primary School environment and strengthening the important links with the Early Childhood unit. 

    Students visit the Primary school and Transition classes for short sessions to meet the teachers and other students and to take part in the learning environment. The children still keep the same Preschool times but spend time in the school setting becoming familiar with the routines, other students, staff, playground, toilets etc

  • Transitioning - Year 6 to Middle School

    Year 6 students at Nightcliff Primary School are involved in a Transitioning Program with Nightcliff Middle School.  The program is coordinated by Nightcliff Middle School in consultation with Year 6 teachers.  

    Programs change each year according to the programs offered by Nightcliff Middle School.

    The Transitioning Program is often in the form of electives such as 

     • Science

     • Cooking

     • Indonesian Arts

     • Physical Education ( gymnasium)

     • Music

     • Information Technology

    On occasions the Year 7 Nightcliff Middle School students will join the Year 6 Nightcliff Primary School students at the Primary School for special events such as Science Week.

NPS Wellbeing and Behaviour Management

Wellbeing and Behaviour Management Policy
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